Kantipur Security Service Pvt. Ltd.

Your Security is our satisfaction

Your Security is our satisfaction

The ideal solution for ensuring utmost security reliability in security services


  1. When selecting security personnel, Pvt. will choose.
  2. Before being sent to the security area to perform security work, the modern security training refresher will be sent to the work area only after the training.
  3. This Prof. Ltd. This Pvt.Ltd. Security authorized supervisors or authorized persons assigned from time to time will conduct check, formal and informal and informal checks to the security personnel assigned to the security work, instructions, control and briefing.
  4. If there is any difficulty related to security, the security personnel assigned to the security work understand the real situation of that area and the details of what kind of difficulty, danger, or crisis is going to happen or has happened in this Pvt. Guard control and if there is a danger or if there is a doubt, the opinion of both sides will be consulted and caution will be taken to make it free from danger.
  5. A sensitive topic like security. Ltd. We would like to inform you that the main objective of this organization is to carry out the security service with the spirit of national service and commitment to make the plans of the nation successful and not just as a contractor.
  6. Security will be provided by using the scientific equipment of security system if necessary according to the location and situation of providing security. Therefore, if they need security services, this Prof. Ltd. Remember, we are ready to provide reliable security services.

"We Offer Extremely Productive and Reliable Security Solution"

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